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  • πŸ’° Build an Expense Tracking App

πŸ’° Build an Expense Tracking App

+ Your Purpose in Life πŸ’β€β™€οΈ

Hi πŸ‘‹ Doers,

Are you ready to put your finances in order?

Let’s sort these expenses and build some financial freedom,

one Lego block at a time.

Read time? 3 (& half) minutes!

Today’s Menu:

  • πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈ Get MindStrong - Your Purpose in Life

  • πŸ€‘ Start A Moneymaker - Build an Expense Tracking App

  • βš’οΈ Cool Tools

  • πŸ€“ Learn AI

🌱 Get MindStrong

Your purpose in life is to devote yourself to your inspirations.

Every wish is possible.

There are no rules for right or wrong, but you need to live by your inspirations.


Just put forth a clear enough request, and everything your heart desires must come to you.

- Shakti Gawain

 Don't settle for anything you're just okay with doing.

Find what you love and do it every day.

That one thing you do without even thinking, the thing you spontaneously act upon, that's what you love.

  Action Step:

Ask yourself, what do I love doing, and do it every day.

Before we continue, a small ask πŸ€—:

If you enjoy reading about Business AI Ideas, or if you have a friend who wants to build or start a side hustle, please share this with them!

πŸš€ Start A Moneymaker: Build an Expense Tracking App

Opportunity Size: πŸ’° Earn up to $120,000/year

Everyone's talking about saving money, but most of us don't even know where our money goes. Let's fix that.

An expense tracking app, that when you take a picture of any money spent, adds it to your expenses. It tracks and gives suggestions on where and how you can save money.

The problem?

Money seems to vanish into thin air.

Little expenses add up, and before you know it, you're living paycheck to paycheck.

The solution?

Build an app that tracks every cent and sorts expenses. It gives insights to help users save and spend better.

How about some cool names: CashFlow Sensei or SpendGuard

The global market for personal finance software is booming. It's expected to reach $1.57 billion by 2026.

People are more aware of their spending habits. Apps like Mint and YNAB (You Need A Budget) have millions of users. This proves strong demand.

πŸ‘€ Your Mission: Help people track and save money.

Let's get to the action plan.

πŸ† Your Action Plan πŸ†

πŸ”§ Step 1: Research and Learn

  1. Study the existing apps in the market.

  2. Find and analyze features that users crave to have, and identify pain points.

  3. Examine AI models currently available for use.

  4. Create a checklist of must-have features based on gaps.

πŸ”§ Step 2: Add Your Personal Touch

Let's brainstorm some awesome features that would make this app stand out.

πŸ‘‡ Some ideas

  1. Smart receipt scanner- automatically scans and adds receipts to a specific category.

  2. Spending Insights Dashboard.

  3. Users can add expenses via voice command.

  4. Subscription tracker- help users manage their subscriptions.

  5.  A visual tool that allows users to set, track, and visualize goals.

  6. Personalized budget coach- helps users stay on track with their financial goals.

  7. Feature to allow users to create personalized categories and reports.

πŸ”§ Step 3: Build

  • Use no-code tools to build fast. Here is a guide for no-code tools- https://www.nocode-exits.com/nocode-tool-guide

  • Build in public and make funny financial tips videos. πŸ˜ƒ

  • While building in public, discuss the features and ask for user feedback.

  • First Offer for Free, then Test and iterate. Use a freemium model with a one-time fee for premium features. Also, offer in-app purchases for extra customization and functionality.

πŸ”§ Step 4: Market Your App

Start with a small group of people to test the AI’s effectiveness.

Share posts, and reels on your socials.

Here are more free options:

  • Reach out to creators & influencers in finance and offer them free trials and/or commissions.

  • Create blogs and videos on personal finance tips and how your app can help

  • Share on Instagram and Tiktok using the top performing trending sounds

  • Go to Reddit and Facebook Groups. Share your app and ask for feedback.

Make funny TikTok shorts of you using the App.

You can start with building for yourself, and by facing all the challenges, you can improve and make it awesome for everyone!

Ready to track your spending and help others do the same?

Why wait?

Let’s make it happen.

More Business Ideas To Build:


Keep building Doers!

βš’οΈ TOOLS

  • Bizway - Build Your Business, One Step at a Time

  • Mojo - Create Amazing Logo Animations

  • Dualite 2.0 - Figma to Code in a Click


Artifacts- creates the best interactable previews (link)

Runway launches new video generation model  (link)

Thanks for reading.

Until next Saturday!

created with Adobe Firefly πŸ‘‡

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